OpenAI's ChatGPT is under scrutiny for two major security issues. Firstly, the Mac app for ChatGPT, identified by engineer Pedro José Pereira Vieito, was found to store user chats in clear text. This is significant because the app is not listed on the App Store, indicating it does not meet Apple's sandboxing standards, which protect applications from vulnerabilities by isolating them.


The second issue dates back to 2023, involving a hacker breaching OpenAI's internal communication networks, revealing potential security weaknesses that could be exploited by foreign adversaries. Sandboxing, a security technique, aims to prevent vulnerabilities in one app from spreading to others. However, storing unencrypted files locally poses a significant risk, making it easier for malicious software to access data.

Key Points:

  • Mac App Vulnerability: The app stores user chats in clear text and fails to meet Apple's sandboxing standards.
  • Internal Breach: A 2023 breach exposed OpenAI's internal communication networks to potential foreign threats.
  • Security Concerns: Lack of encryption and sandboxing raises risks of data access by malicious software.


Sandboxing Importance:

Sandboxing protects applications from spreading vulnerabilities to others. Unencrypted local files are a significant hazard, allowing other apps or malware easy access to data.

Protective Measures: Implementing robust encryption and meeting sandboxing standards are crucial to safeguarding user data and maintaining application security.

By addressing these security issues, OpenAI can enhance the safety and reliability of ChatGPT, ensuring user data remains protected and secure.