Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is facing a significant legal battle over his recently purchased $27 million mansion in San Francisco. The luxurious property, located on the iconic Lombard Street, has become the center of a lawsuit due to various construction defects, including a leaky sewage problem.

The Lawsuit

A lawsuit has been filed by 950 Lombard LLC against real estate developer Troon Pacific. According to the San Francisco Standard, the lawsuit alleges that the mansion, marketed as the “highest quality,” suffers from "pervasive shoddy workmanship." Altman is believed to be the current resident of this 9,500-square-foot estate, which features a “batcave” garage and other high-end amenities.


Major Issues with the Property

The lawsuit highlights several major issues:

  • Swimming Pool Leaks: The mansion includes a high-end swimming pool that extends to the edge of the house. In August, the pool leaked, causing significant water damage to the property, including ceiling collapses and mold growth. Repairs for the pool alone are estimated to exceed $4 million.
  • Sewage Leaks: Some pipes have been leaking dirty toilet water outside, contributing to severe sanitation problems.
  • Garden Irrigation: Multiple pipes intended to water the garden are also leaking, exacerbating the water damage and overall property issues.


Allegations Against Troon Pacific

The plaintiff claims that Troon Pacific was aware of these problems but failed to disclose them. Additionally, the developer allegedly hired unqualified contractors, some of whom retaliated by sabotaging drainage pipes with debris over payment disputes. Troon Pacific's history includes a recent case where they had to repay $50 million to investors for an unfinished house project, further tarnishing their reputation.


Legal and Financial Implications

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages, including interest and legal fees, for breach of contract. The exact amount of the damages will be determined through the legal process. As of now, neither Altman nor his representatives have publicly commented on the lawsuit.

Impact on Altman

The legal troubles surrounding this high-profile real estate purchase put Altman in a challenging position. The issues with the mansion not only represent a significant financial burden but also pose potential reputational risks given his prominent status in the tech industry.



Sam Altman’s purchase of a $27 million mansion on Lombard Street has turned into a legal nightmare due to significant construction defects, including pool leaks and sewage problems. The lawsuit against Troon Pacific highlights concerns over false advertising and substandard workmanship. As the legal proceedings unfold, the outcome will determine the extent of financial and reputational impact on Altman and the involved parties.